Weekly musing #10 - Learning the ABC's

Bitcoin ABC

Bitcoin ABC - short for Adjustable Blocksize Cap , is a big-block capable client based on Core 0.14.1 that is progressing in development and gaining more contributors and code reviewers.

Parts of the main functionality (being able to adjust the block size cap through a configuration option) have now been implemented for the command line client. Others remain to be added, for example being able to display its accepted block size limit in the well-known /EBx/ format used by BU and Classic.

A version of ABC should be out for testing in the next few weeks!

Bitcoin Unlimited

A specification for a hard fork release along the lines of BUIP 055 is taking shape. I have had the pleasure of collaborating with various developers and stakeholders in drafting this, and it is nearing completion.

Many refinements have been made over BUIP 055.

For example, there is provision for bi-drectional replay protection, and protection against re-organization by the legacy chain.


With a wide variety of projects rallying around the idea of a near-term HF, elements of BTCfork's MVF may come in useful for implementors of other clients.

In particular, clients targeted at end users might benefit from the automatic wallet backup functionality written by redmarlen (a fellow BU developer too). This could be integrated into other fork clients quiet easily.